Public is invited to participate in a public workshop on Oct. 11
RDU Airport, N.C. – Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) will share the Vision 2040 preferred alternative for the next 25 years of development at the airport, with the public on Tuesday, October 11. The workshop is the 9th public session to determine RDU’s future infrastructure growth plans.
The Vision 2040 workshop will be held from 6-8 p.m. at the Marriott Research Triangle Park, located at 4700 Guardian Drive in Durham.
Representatives from RDU and master plan consultants from Ricondo & Associates Inc. will give a brief presentation at the beginning of the workshop, and will be available to answer questions and discuss elements of the preferred alternative.
The preferred alternative will showcase vital projects that will guide the aviation future for the Triangle region. Runways and taxiways, terminal expansion, rental car and ground transportation facilities, roadway improvements and general aviation development are at the core of our ambitious plan for the future of RDU.
The transparent and open RDU Vision 2040 master plan process has yielded more than 1,000 comments and questions; and more than 300 residents at our eight public workshops. This important feedback factored into the preferred alternative, which will be presented to the RDU Board for approval on October 20, 2016.
The public and interested parties are invited to continue providing feedback at the meeting and Comments may also be received via our master plan website. The preferred alternative and presentation materials will be posted online at following the meeting. For more information on Vision 2040, click here.