RDU Facts
Wake County, North Carolina, USA; 11 miles northwest of Raleigh, 10.5 miles southeast of Durham, and 17 miles east-southeast of Chapel Hill
5,000 acres
436 feet above mean sea level
About 360 daily arrivals and departures
Non-stop Destinations
57 destinations served
17 major airlines
11.8 million passengers in 2022
More than 113,000 tons in 2022
Facilities Information
Terminal Area Parking
18,818 total public parking spaces
Terminal 1
First section opened in 1955. Re-opened 1982, modernized in 2014. Five gates in use.
Terminal 2
First phase opened in Oct. 2008; building completed in January 2011; 36 gates
Runway 5L-23R
Length 10,000 feet x 150 feet wide
Runway 5R-23L
Length 7,500 feet x 150 feet wide; rehabilitated in 2008
Runway 14-32
Length 3,550 feet x 100 feet wide
Observation Park
Opened 1987; renovated in 1996