Commercial Vehicle Permits

The Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority issues permits for non-tenant, third party commercial vehicle operators to conduct transportation services at Raleigh-Durham International Airport. The four types of permits offered are:

1. Annual Permit
Operators who plan to provide transportation services more than four days in a calendar year must obtain an annual permit. Use the following documents.

2. Special Access Permit
This is a temporary Ground Transportation Permit authorizing the provision of Ground Transportation services for a period not to exceed one (1) month. A Special Access Permit is intended for short-term use, which may include but is not limited to:

  • An Operator approved to temporarily enroll in the Airport Garage Access Program on a time-limited per-trip basis
  • An Operator offering Commercial Ground Transportation Services for a special event
  • An Operator temporarily replacing a Commercial Vehicle with a Decal from its Authority-approved fleet (Applies to Hotels)
  • An Operator who makes less than four (4) trips on-Airport annually
  • Special Access Permit

Approval and receipt of a permit to conduct business at RDU does not constitute an endorsement by the Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority. Your application must be received with an original signature and the instruction page completed.

The RDU Ground Transportation Business Office is open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.-3 p.m.

RDU Ground Transportation
P.O. Box 80001
RDU Airport, NC 27623
(919) 840-7530