RDU Preparing to Replace Its Longest Runway

RDU is entering the beginning stages of its most significant and dynamic airport infrastructure project, the proposed replacement of Runway 5L/23R, the airport’s primary commercial runway.

The Authority is working with a consultant team in coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA). The team will soon publish a public information website that will remain accessible throughout the entire EA process. Included on the site will be:

  • Information about the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)/ EA process; information about the public outreach process including upcoming meetings and any materials provided during those public meetings (public meeting notices, handouts, copies of presentations or display boards); and frequently asked questions.
  • Relevant documents and reports (draft and final environmental documents published for public review; and other documentation requested by the FAA and RDUAA).

The EA website will additionally provide the public an opportunity to subscribe to request notifications of important milestones throughout the EA process The site can be accessed here or via the public information portal on RDU.com.

In July, RDUAA and the FAA will make a presentation available to the public on the proposed project, the EA process, and resources on where to learn more about the purpose and need, potential alternatives, and the environmental resources to be analyzed. The intent is to provide RDU stakeholders with an overview of the scope of work involved in the EA and allow for public comment specifically related to the runway replacement program. The public will have 30 days to review and provide comments on issues they believe should be addressed in the EA. The presentation will become available on July 21, 2021 and public comments will be accepted from July 21 through August 23, 2021. Comments may be submitted electronically or by regular mail.