Forging Ahead On Vision 2040

The number of people flying through RDU continues to soar with 14.2 million passengers served in 2019, 11% more than the previous year. The airport’s Vision 2040 master plan outlines the new facilities and infrastructure needed to accommodate more people and additional flights. We’re already hard at work on several capital projects and have made a lot of progress since the plan was approved in 2017.

Check out this new video to celebrate Vision 2040’s early accomplishments and forecast what’s next:

We’ve also launched a new Vision 2040 webpage dedicated to tracking project progress. The page will regularly be updated as projects reach completion, and new ones commence work.

The new look inside Vision 2040 comes at a time when passenger volume growth has required RDU to start planning projects originally slated for up to a decade away.

“Our rapid growth is driving new construction projects throughout campus to meet customer demands and build for the future,” said Mike Landguth, Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority president and CEO. “At the same time, work is already happening around the airport, and we want the community to understand that RDU is already hard at work building a better airport.”

Several capital projects have achieved significant progress during the past 12 months:

  • Replaced 117 concrete slabs on runway 5L/23R
  • Completed reconstruction of Taxiway F
  • Started development of the west Remain Overnight apron
  • Rehabilitated Park Economy 3
  • Opened the first two new checkpoint lanes in Terminal 2
  • Finished repaving improvements on John Brantley Boulevard