RDU Awards Conditional Terminal C General Contract

RDU Airport, NC – The Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority met in a special called session today to award Atlanta-based Archer Western Contractors, Inc. the general contracting portion of the redevelopment of Terminal C. The award is not to exceed $258 million.

The award to the general contractor is conditional based upon the final design, which will incorporate agreed-upon changes, and final negotiated costs.

At the meeting, the Authority also stated its intent to proceed with plans to redevelop the south concourse of Terminal C, not to exceed $125 million (in 2006 dollars), which is not currently included in the project.

RDU will notify the general contractor by June 2007 of the Authority’s plan to move forward with the south concourse. Moving forward with south concourse redevelopment will ensure a consistent, comprehensive redevelopment of the entire facility.

Background: General Contractor Negotiations

  • Bids were received on December 15. RDU received two bids, from Archer Western and Walbridge Aldinger.
  • The Authority, architect and its design team, contractor and construction manager all submitted items that could be changed to decrease the cost of the construction phase.
  • Approximately 40 items were closely examined in negotiations with Archer Western to reduce the contractor’s Dec. 15 bid of $269.9 million. Those changes will not affect the overall project and function of the building, but instead include items such as finishes, the use of carpeting and terrazzo and roofing materials.